Monday, September 05, 2005

How about Venice?

Ok, I'll say something on New Orleans.

Why would anyone want to live below sea level between two water sources, one that traditionally floods yearly and the other that is higher than it naturally would be because it is used to pump the water from the city, for any length of time?

That said......

Our National Guard which is normally used to help evacuations were over seas. Why is it not until AFTER the disaster that they pull the municipal's school buses to help evacuate the stranded citizens?

I question the level of competancy in charge


as a comment made by a caller to a radio station locally stated, its because the conservatives didn't care about the poor, as the lower areas of the city tended to be the poorest. Less people on the welfare system, I suppose, if that were true.

Ok, got that out of my system, I feel better.

Guess, I now know why I never bothered visiting New Orleans, and I guess there may never be a chance now either.

Anyone for the idea of an American version of Venice?