A New Beginning
Ok, so here I am on blogspot. I've been on the internet since before it started but I have only succumed to blogs recently and blogspot today.
The most frustrating part was that I could not use my name for the URL even though no one else appears to be using it..(sigh).
Perhaps I have broken down due to shear boredom. About 8 months ago, I quit my corporate job to save money on daycare, get out of a deadend job, and to spend my days teaching and raising my children.
I am loving this.
No ones schedules but ours until they reach school. They are ages 2 and 3 right now. Unless, I get pissed off and home school. I'll admit, through my public educational experiences, my other half's, and all the rumors flying around this town (according to Canadian standards of population this city is a town), I am less than impressed with the scenario. But my children should be socialized, and eventually they will have to deal with the real world so I will most likely send them anyway, and continue to teach them at home.
As a 21st century at home mom, I am also realizing that most people work. The one mom at home I knew who was older and whose children were older just moved. Like others they cashed in on the value of their quarter of a million dollar home and moved further north and is in the process of buying a larger house with a rented attached appartment, with the same or lesser mortgage...(sigh). I will probably get another neighbor from the wonderful state south of us from Massachusetts, or someone from Massachusetts renting to a fellow Mainer, as most of the houses have gone in the past 5 years or so since I have lived here....(more sighs).
Quite honestly, I am trying to keep my mind open until I meet the new neighbors, who are now refinishing the hardwood floors.........
We would have moved north ourselves but employment was aquired here, so here we stay. A bonus to staying is the diversity and acceptance of diversity in this area. I was even recently told we are the third largest area in the United States to have such diversity. I don't know how true that is.
Well, I figured I signed up for this thing, I might as well leave a post.
The most frustrating part was that I could not use my name for the URL even though no one else appears to be using it..(sigh).
Perhaps I have broken down due to shear boredom. About 8 months ago, I quit my corporate job to save money on daycare, get out of a deadend job, and to spend my days teaching and raising my children.
I am loving this.
No ones schedules but ours until they reach school. They are ages 2 and 3 right now. Unless, I get pissed off and home school. I'll admit, through my public educational experiences, my other half's, and all the rumors flying around this town (according to Canadian standards of population this city is a town), I am less than impressed with the scenario. But my children should be socialized, and eventually they will have to deal with the real world so I will most likely send them anyway, and continue to teach them at home.
As a 21st century at home mom, I am also realizing that most people work. The one mom at home I knew who was older and whose children were older just moved. Like others they cashed in on the value of their quarter of a million dollar home and moved further north and is in the process of buying a larger house with a rented attached appartment, with the same or lesser mortgage...(sigh). I will probably get another neighbor from the wonderful state south of us from Massachusetts, or someone from Massachusetts renting to a fellow Mainer, as most of the houses have gone in the past 5 years or so since I have lived here....(more sighs).
Quite honestly, I am trying to keep my mind open until I meet the new neighbors, who are now refinishing the hardwood floors.........
We would have moved north ourselves but employment was aquired here, so here we stay. A bonus to staying is the diversity and acceptance of diversity in this area. I was even recently told we are the third largest area in the United States to have such diversity. I don't know how true that is.
Well, I figured I signed up for this thing, I might as well leave a post.